
Colonel Stoopnagle and Budd Solve Cambridge Parking Problems---Interest Harvard Professor

Colonel Stoopnagle and Budd, those inventive geniuses of the radio and stage, put their heads together last night and solved Harvard's major problems in about 8 minutes flat in a CRIMSON interview at the Metropolitan theater.

"If those new rules against all night parking are really bothering you," Budd volunteered, "don't bicker words with the authorities. Just put some plauks up the staircases of your Houses and drive the cars into your rooms at night; then the students can go stand in the gutter or about the campus and nothing can be done about it."

The Colonel and Budd witnessed the first half of the New Hampshire game at the Stadium Saturday. Stoopnagle was enthusiastic. "There were two fellows," he said, "who were not tackled once during the whole time; you know Budd, those fellows with the white uniforms." They had only one real criticism of the Stadium spectacle to offer; it took so long to flash the scores up on the board that by the time the spectator had read them another play had taken place. "Why," Budd wondered, "don't they start the games three or four minutes later and eliminate that trouble?"

Colonel Stoopnagle, you will remember, took a military course at Harvard during the war. Before he had been there long he discovered the funnel leading from the Yard down to the river. "What I always wanted," he said, "was to have them turn that tunnel around so that the river end would be at the Yard and you wouldn't have so far to walk to get to the boathouses."

Whether all these kind suggestions of the comedians are appreciated or not, there is one professor from Harvard that liked one of their shows so well that he went back stage and said, "I like your humor because I don't have to think to get the point." The Colonel and Budd were naturally pleased with this statement as that is their purpose as comedians, but what does it make the professor?
