

New Executive Praises Constructive Work of Council--Bowditch, Kelly Get New Posts

At its opening meeting of the year in the Faculty Room of University Hall last night, the Student Council voted to investigate the problem of hour examinations and submit a report to the College. The Council also listened to a short address by President Conant, named two of its own members to take charge of the affairs of the Freshman class, and discussed the position of commuters in relation to the Houses. Richard G. Ames '34, president of the Council, presided.

Ebenezer Francis Bowditch '35, of Concord was appointed as the Junior in charge of Freshman affairs, with Shaun Kelly, Jr. '36 of Richmond, as his assistant. Both men were presidents of their respective classes in their Freshman years, and both are now members of the Council. Bowditch is a member of the Varsity relay track team, while Kelly is a first-string end on the football team. They will manage the Freshman class elections and cooperate with the Freshman Union Committee in supervising the activities of the class.

Members of the Council were given copies of the report on the House Plan submitted by last year's Council, and asked to consult with the House Masters in regard to the section dealing with commuters. The report recommended that commuters be allowed to play on House athletic teams, to use the House libraries for a fixed charge, and to sign, for meals in House dining halls as guests of House members. The Council will take up these recommendations later.

Report on Examinations

The report on hour examinations will deal with the November and April hours and subsidiary examinations in certain courses. Both President Conant and Dean Hanford are understood to be actively interested in the matter. A committee to conduct the investigation will be appointed at the next meeting.


The Council plans also to act on the matter of class elections. The abolition of the elections for officers of the Junior and Sophomore classes was before the Council last year but action was deferred.

In his remarks last night, President Conant referred to the history of the Student Council at Harvard, and praised the constructive part it had played during the recent years of change and development in Harvard College. In particular he mentioned the reports prepared by the Student Council dealing with the House Plan, Tutorial System, Athletics, and other subjects, and stated that the intelligent criticism and advice of the students had been of invaluable assistance in shaping University policy.

He said that he had read the latest report of the Student Council dealing with the House Plan, and was planning to give it further careful study. He indicated that at present he was engaged in a study of all the important educational and financial problems which necessarily confront a new President, and that it would probably be many month before any action could be taken in regard to matters of interest to the undergraduate body. He stated that in the meanwhile either he or Dean Hanford would be very glad to discuss with the Student Council or individual undergraduates any subject that they wish to have considered
