
First of Binyon Lectures To Be Delivered November 18

Norton Poetry Professor Plans Two Series on Oriental Art

Two series of public lectures on Oriental art will be given at Harvard University by Laurence Binyon, noted British scholar and author, it was announced today at University Hall.

Mr. Binyon, who is Deputy Keeper at the British Museum, has just come to America as the eighth holder of the Charles Eliot Norton Professorship of Poetry, succeeding T. S. Eliot '10.

During the winter, Mr. Binyon will give six lectures on "The Spirit of Man in Asian Art." Three lectures will be given in November and three in February on Wednesday evenings at eight o'clock in the Large Lecture Hall of the Fogg Art Museum.

The dates for the November series are as follows: November 15, "Early Chinese Art"; November 22, "Indian Buddhist Art and the Impact of Buddhism on China"; November 29, "Chinese Landscape Art." The February series is as follows: February 14, "Persian Art"; February 21, "Japanese Art"; and February 28, "Art and Daily Life."
