
Dinner Dance Will Follow Army Tilt at Lowell House

Music To Be Furnished by Larry Funk's Orchestra

On the evening of November 11, following the Army football game, Lowell House will hold an informal dinner dance in the Dining Room. Dinner will be served from 6.30 until 7.45 o'clock, the doors being closed at that time. There will be dancing while dinner is being served.

Undergraduates may sign inter-House and guest slips for dinner, and these will be charged on the term bill. Arrangements are being made with the Georgian caterers for serving meals in the rooms.

Larry Funk and his Band of a Thousand Melodies will furnish the music. This band is composed of 12 pieces, featuring a girl singer. Due to over-crowding of the hall in past years, only 200 couple tickets and 100 stag tickets will be sold.

The committee in charge of the dance: Charles S. Houston '35, chairman; George H. Damon '34; Richard A. Illoway '36; Arthur W. Todd '35; and Robert W. Skinner '34.
