Over 500 cars of Harvard students have been tagged for parking in the streets of Cambridge at night since September 25, Captain Joseph Donahue of the Brattle Street Police Station told the CRIMSON yesterday. "The drive against overnight parking has already brought results," he continued. "The number of cars in the streets at night has declined by well over half."
It was also learned that the owners of cars who have been tagged two times or more will be brought into court commencing this morning. If this line of action should fail in dealing with the most frequent offenders, more stringent measures will be taken. The drive against out of state cars will be vigorously pursued, and many have already been removed from the streets by the department when discovered parking overnight.
As far as the demand for a college parking place is concerned, no action will be taken until after the weekend. At present, authorities are examining the arguments in favor of such a project, and hope to reach a satisfactory decision. Monday Arthur L. Endicott, comptroller of the University, will issue a definite statement.
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