

Princeton, New Jersey, January 8, 1933--The Daily Princeton will comment as follows tomorrow morning on the revision in the 1034 and 1935 football schedule to include Harvard:

Through the sudden addition of Harvard to the football schedules of the University for 1934 and 1935, athletic authorities here have made a welcome extension of Princeton's fast-improving list of gridiron opponents, Apparently working with considerable speed and being invaluably aided by the courtesy of the Naval Academy in offering its Princeton date in 1934, the Harvard and Princeton officials have moved directly and simply to the logical way out of an extremely illogical impasse.

Much of the discussion accorded last night's announcement will doubtless center around the terms of the arrangement, which comprise merely a two-year contract on a home-and-home basis, and emphasis will be placed on the diplomatic manouevres since 1926 with their relation to the present move. In that connection, it must be remembered that the function of athletic authorities is not to score diplomatic "points" nor to outwit rival authorities by subtle negotiation, but rather to arrange contests which as nearly as possible reflect the undergraduate sentiment in the institutions involved. Apparently Harvard and Princeton officials have decided in this instance to abandon the first theory in favor of the second and sounder one.

Undergraduates of the two universities have wanted a resumption of football relations for some time: and that desire has been realized in the agreement announced last night. These are the fundamental facts of the case, and are reason enough for the popularity which the arrangement will unquestionable receive on this campus.
