The Inglis Lecture for 1933 will be delivered by Henry Clinton Morrison, Professor of Education at the University of Chicago. The lecture, which is open to the public free of charge, will be held on Friday. January 13, at 8 0'clock in Emerson D. The title of Dr, Morrison's address is "The Evolving Common School."
The Inglis Lectureship in Secondary Education was established by the Harvard Graduate School of Education in honor of the late Professor Alexander Inglis, a member of the time of his death in 1924 had become a leading scholar and writer in the field of secondary education.
Professor Morrison, this year's lecturer, has devoted more than 20 years of his life to the service of high-school principal, as superintendent of schools, and as State Superintendent of Public instruction in New Hampshire in recent years, he has been superintendent of the laboratory schools of The University of Chicago.
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