

To Be Given at Rice Institute During Second Half-Year--Authorities in Field will Conduct Course.

A course in Aerial Photography, to be known as "Geography 36." will be given during the second half year at, the Rice Institute of Geographical Exploration, it was announced yesterday afternoon by weld Arnold '17, instructor in Geography. Four authorities on this subject will conduct this course, each lecturing on his particular field. Captain A. W. Stevens will spend two weeks discussing the general principles of the subject. Following that, three other members of the United States Army Air Corps, Captain D. M Reeves, Captain B. C. Hill, and Lieutenant J. F. Phillips, will each have three weeks to explain the different phases of Aerial Photography in detail.

Last year a series of lectures by these four men and three others was given at the Geographical Institute. They were enthusiastically received, but the hour prevented many interested in the subject from attending. This year, accordingly, the lectures are scheduled to take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 to 6 o'clock in the afternoons. Each lecture will be illustrated by demonstrations, so that the fact that it lasts for from one and one half to two hours will not be fatiguing.
