

Budget Curtailment Will Force Cut in Number of Meet Entries--Farrell To Rely on Dodge, Foote, Kidder

Forty-two candidates for the Varsity track team reported to coach E. L. Farrell yesterday afternoon at the preliminary meeting for the winter season. Farrell spoke briefly for the benefit of new men, as did Captain N. P. Dodge, Jr. '33 and Manager G. M. Fenollosa '33. The trn-out for the Freshman team was slightly larger than that for the Varsity, with 49 first-year men reporting.

Because of the unexpected falling off in football receipts, and the consequent curtailment of the budgets of all sports for the coming season, the number of entries in the winter track meats will be cut down this year. Farrell said that the number of entries would probably be from a quarter to a half less than is customary.

Besides Dodge, who runs in the 300, 600 and quarter-mile relay, two outstanding men will bolster up the team this year. Arthur Foote, II'33, former cross-country captain, will be relied on for the two-mile race, while Alfred Kidder '33 is expected to assure Crimson strength in the weight events. The annual Knights of Columbus meet at the Boston Garden on Saturday, January 28, will be the opener in both the Varsity and Freshman seasons.

The Sophomore track managerial competition will begin this afternoon at 2 o'clock with a meeting at the H.A.A.
