
United States Naval Reserve Offers Three Trial Courses In Aviation--Winners Will Spend Eight Months in Florida

Three opportunities to learn to fly at the expense of the Government will be offered this summer to unmarried college men between the ages of 20 and 27 at the United States Naval Reserve Aviation Base in Squantum, Massachusetts.

On June 15, July 15, and August 15, respectively, a month's preliminary training session will be got under way; approximately thirty men will report, and from their number, about five successful candidates will be ordered to Pensacola, Florida, to take the complete eight months' flying course next winter. In addition to receiving their board, room, and traveling expenses free, students will be paid $54 a month for the duration of the course.

The instruction at Pensacola consists in the study of aviation engines, navigation, Radio, Gunnery, and Aerology, and approximately 235 hours of flying. In previous years, the total number of men sent annually to Pensacola has been about 150; of these, about 25 are at the end of the course commissioned Ensigns in the United States Naval Reserve or Second Lieutenants in the Marine Corps Reserve. Of the successful candidates, about half a dozen are ordered to one year's active duty with the Aircraft Squadrons of the fleet, or with the Marine Corps Expeditionary Force at Quantico, Virginia, or at San Diego, California. During this year, they will receive the pay and allowances of their rank.

Students who fail to meet the requirements of the course at Pensacola at any time during the eight months' period, will have their expenses paid to their home addresses, and will automatically receive an honorable discharge from the Reserve.

The Reserve base at Squantum is open to men who live in the First Naval District, which is composed of the states of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island. Bases having arrangements similar to those at Squantum are located in the other Naval Districts. Seniors who are interested in joining one of the classes at Squantum in the summer can obtain application blanks by writing to Lieutenant F. L. Baker, U.S.N., Commanding Officer, United States Naval Reserve Aviation Base, Squantum, Massachusetts.
