

Concert on Wednesday To Inaugurate 125th Season--Seven Recitals Are Scheduled For Spring Term

The Pierian Sodality of 1808 will broadcast on Wednesday over Station WAAB it was announced yesterday. The concert will be given under the auspices of the Boston Council of Social Agencies; it will be on the air from 9 until 9.30 o'clock.

The occasion will mark the first broadcast ever to have been made by the Sodality, and it will also open the organization's 125th concert season.

Rimsky-Korsakoff's "Danse des Bouffens," selections from the "St. Paul" suite by Gustave Holst, and an Haydn symphony will compose the program.

Seven more concerts are to be given during the season by the Sodality; the date and location of each concert is as follows: February 11, Bradford Junior College: February 12, Harvard Club of Boston: February 17, joint concert with the Radcliffe Orchestra at Radcliffe; March 5, Boston Public Library; March 11, Colby Junior College, New London, New Hampshire; March 21, Paine Hall Concert, assisted by Radcliffe Choral Society; April 13, joint concert in Sanders Theatre with the Harvard Glee Club.
