

Freshman and Jayvee Races To Be Held Before Noon--Varsity Four-Mile Race Comes at Evening

The annual Harvard-Yale crew races will be rowed on Friday, June 16, instead of Friday, June 23, as originally scheduled, it was announced last night by W. J. Bingham '16, Director of Athletics. The advancement of the races one week was made by agreement with Malcolm Farmer, Director of Athletics at Yale. Both Bingham and Farmer felt that a substantial saving in crew expenses could be effected by such a move. It is understood that this saving for the H.A.A. will be over and above that already announced last week for crew, as a part of the H.A.A.'s current economy program.

No Combination Race

It has also been agreed by Harvard and Yale officials to eliminate the Combination Race which usually has been held on the eve of the Regatta.

Both Crimson and Eli crew squads, consisting of Varsity, Junior Varsity, and Freshman oarsmen, will go to their respective training camps at Red Top and Gales Ferry, on Saturday, June 3, and will thus have only a little less than two week's practice on the Thames course. In previous years it has been the custom for the crews to go to their training camps at about the same date, but with nearly three weeks of practice ahead of them over the four-mile course.

The Freshman and Jayvee two-mile races will be rowed on the morning of race day, and the Varsity four-mile race in the evening. The starting time will be definitely determined later on at a conference between Harvard and Yale officials, to be held at New Haven.


No announcement was made as to whether or not it is planned to make a permanent change in the date of this regatta.
