

Eight-Week Competitions Initiate Men Into Newspaper Work--Experience Unnecessary

Five competitions, offering to members of the Freshman and Sophomores classes their first opportunity to compete for the CRIMSON in any of its four departments, will open Monday, February 6, with a meeting at 7.15 o'clock in the President's Office in the CRIMSON building. Freshmen will compete for the Board in the news, business, and photographic departments; the editorial and business departments will be open to Sophomores. All competitions will be eight weeks in length; no previous experience is necessary.

The News Department

Candidates in the news department will spend their time chiefly in getting and writing up news stories of all sorts. After spending the first week in covering daily a regular list of assignments, they will be encouraged to seek news everywhere in the University, and to get interviews from professors, politicians, actresses, baby deans, and all others. Examples of interesting work done by candidates in earlier competitions this year have been interviews with Franklin D. Roosevelt '04, Alfred E. Smith, Walter Lippmann '10, and the late Calvin Coolidge.

Writing of Editorials

Editorial candidates, under the guidance of members of the board, will have an opportunity to express their ideas on all subjects of University or outside interest. Through the aid of constant criticism, their style and the clarity of their writing will improve rapidly. Like news candidates, they will become familiar with the devious workings of the University and the various educational and financial problems which confront it.


For men competing for the business department, work consists chiefly in selling advertising space and learning the technique of managing the business end of a newspaper; successful candidates will have developed assurance and sales ability.

The work of the photographic department consists in learning the technique of a camera and taking pictures of sporting events and teams, students and prominent people, and action shots of all sports.

At the meeting on Monday night, pro- spective candidates will be shown around the building by the heads of the various departments, and the work explained in more detail. The competitions will not actually begin until the following day, and men attending the preliminary meeting are under no obligation to enter any of the competitions. Students wishing further information on the competitions are invited to come to the CRIMSON building at 14 Plympton Street tomorrow or Thursday evening
