
News from the Houses

Sends Out Mimeographed Sheet to Past Residents of House

Appearing for the first time, a mimeographed bulletin of six pages has been sent out by J. T. Addison '09, professor of History and Missions, and Acting Master of Kirkland House, which is intended to keep all Kirkland alumni informed of events in the House, and containing an alumni directory.

This new sheet is comparable to the Harvard Alumni Bulletin on a smaller scale, and is to appear twice yearly. The present edition contains an explanation of the new inter-House eating system, a story on the Society of Fellows, and details of the reduction in room rents, effective next year.

One of the most important points about the bulletin is the list of names, occupations, and addresses of all past residents of the House. Also, anything of importance that any ex-member of the House has done is included in this directory.

Among the smaller items are notices of new committees at the House, news of the Library, and a list of the House dinners. Although this first edition is necessarily brief, it is hoped later to put out an enlarged paper with more general news of the University and alumni.
