

Until someone accumulates convincing proof to the contrary, the greatest single cause of divorce will continue to be marriage. This is a platitude to which any benedict would subscribe. But Butler University in Indianapolis has evolved a contrary principle. It has resolved to offer a course in Marriage, to consider the "physical, psychological, economic, social, domestic, and religious" aspects of wedded life.

Dean Bailey of Butler University, perceiving the prevalence of divorce, concluded that some special degree of education was necessary for successful marriage. The course is thus postulated on the theory that H.M.S. "Matrimony" founders not in the hurricane, but goes down more often under the insidious thrusts of countless little waves; and that this would not happen if it were so caulked as to be indifferent to, or careless of, these everyday tifts. Dean Bailey intends to do the caulking.

Vital statistics compiled at Butler reveal, moreover, "some marry for money, some for love, but most of them for a short time." The course, therefore, has a significant purpose in this vicious world, and should consequently be inaugurated with a grand celibation. Perhaps it might even be attended with schemes for a House Plan and the necessary corporate personalities. But if it is to do anything but scratch the mater, the course must embrace a longer period than the average college half-course. For it will take a full course to prevent at least half of the male population from acting their customary role of suckers when they select their mate.
