

Swelled by Engineering Students Who Have Enrolled in College During Undergraduate Years

Preliminary totals for enrollment in the University at the close of registration late yesterday afternoon was 7,713 as compared with a total of 7,905 at the corresponding time a year ago. A considerable gain in enrollment for the College and certain of the graduate schools, together with slight declines for other of the graduate departments are indicated by the preliminary figures.

Harvard College, with 3,361 men thus far registered, shows an increase over the 3,233 men registered a year ago. The number of special students registered in Harvard College also showed an increase rising from 15 to 23. The Engineering School showed a total of 206 men, as compared with 268, but this results principally from the fact that undergraduates in their first and second years have been advised to register in the College for their undergraduate work and attend the Engineering School for graduate study; the number of graduate students in this school showed an increase.

The registration of the Freshman class in the College totals 1115, of whom 1051 are new members of the class and 64 provisional or dropped students. This figure represents an increase of 149 over last year.

In the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, including the Bussey Institution, enrollment was 833, as compared with 874 a year ago. In the Medical School, the total was 498, as against 506; in the Dental School, 120, compared to 117; in the Law School, 1,442, as compared with 1,511; and in the Business School, 922, as compared to 1,065. Enrollment for the School of Education was 141, compared to 148.

Figures on the opening day in the other departments of the University are as follows: Theological School  40 School of Architecture  64 Landscape Architecture  34 School of Public Health  23 School of City Planning  6
