
Momma Spank


(Ed. Note--The Crimson does not necessarily endorse opinions expressed in printed communications. No attention will be paid to anonymous letters and only under special conditions, at the request of the writer will names be withheld.)

To the Editor of the CRIMSON:

It was with considerable regret that I read in Friday's issue of the CRIMSON an attack on the Harvard Athletic Association's recently announced change in policy regarding rates to be charged for the use of the indoor athletic building.

As you probably know, the Athletic Association is, more than ever this year, faced with the problem of financing its operations. In quest of new revenues it was necessary for the organization to place the new charges where they would reap the most financial benefit with the least harm to undergraduate interest in athletics. Of all its facilities, the new gymnasium is probably the most expensive, yet worthwhile,--from the student's point of view. Surely no sane man will begrudge this little extra charge which gives him so much benefit.

It is unfortunately the habit of undergraduate journalism to damn everything within its sight, giving little thought save to the sensation invariably subsequent. This may swell the coffers, but in the long run it will prove a poor policy. (Name withheld with regrets.)
