The Drama
Colonial--"The Green Pastures." Marc Connelly's touching epic of the southern negroes in Paradise and Elsewhere as inspired by the bible. Beautiful singing. Reviewed in this issue.
Copley--"The Squeaker" or "The Sign of the Leopard." Edgar Wallace as a writer of light comedy. Does not amount to much.
Plymouth--"Reunion in Vienna." With Alfred Lunt, Lynn Fontanne, Ernest Cossart, Helen Westley. What more could be desired? Reviewed in this issue.
Metropolitan--"Blende Venus." This title fits Marlene Dietrich. Poor supporting cast and asinine stage show.
Paramount--"Movie Crazy." Harold Lloyd awkardly trips around Hollywood, and is very funny.
University--"American Madness" and "Skyscraper Souls." Two mediocre films.
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