With the registration of first-year Business School men from 9 to 5 o'clock tomorrow in Baker Library, the two hundred and ninety-seventh year of Harvard's existence will be ushered in. Other departments of the University will register on the two succeeding days and on the following Monday, when the University year officially opens.
Second-year students in the Business School will register on Monday, September 26 in Baker Library. In the College, registration for Freshmen will be held in Memorial Hall on Friday, Sept. 23, and for upperclassmen on Saturday, Sept. 24 and the following Monday.
Additional financial assistance to members of various departments of the University, notably the College and Business School, will feature Harvard's opening this year. Creation of a large number of jobs for the benefit of students, in the libraries, dining halls, administrative offices, and so forth, under consideration for some time, has just been announced.
Drop in Enrolment
Although enrolment in the College this year exceeds all previous records the number of men registering in the graduate schools is expected to show a falling off. With an enrollment of approximately 500 first year men, the Business School again finds its dormitory accommodations sufficient for all students, with a few rooms to spare.
New Courses Added
Several new courses have been added to the curriculum of the Business School, of which perhaps the most notable is that in "Trade Union Policies," to be given in the second half year by S. H. Slichter, professor of Business Economics. With primary emphasis on the purchase of Industrial goods, a course in "Industrial Procurement" will be instituted under H. T. Lewis, professor of Marketing. "Investment Research," is to be given by H. W. Dunn, professor of Finance.
A new course entitled "Water Transportation" and conducted by G. B. Roorbach, professor of Foreign Trade, will be offered in the second half year for students qualified for an intensive study of problems in ocean, coastwise, and inland transportation.
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