The Crimson assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of this schedule, which is posted in University Hall. All examinations begin at 9.15 o'clock unless otherwise specified.
The Crimson regrets that members of the University were inconvenienced by an error in the examination schedule as printed in the issue of Monday, June 6. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8 (IV) Anthropology 17 Harvard 6 Chemistry A Mallinckrodt MB9 Chemistry 3b Mallinckrodt MB23 Chemistry 21 Mallinckrodt MB23 Chinese 1 Sever 17 Economics 14 Sever 17 Engineering Sciences 7b Pierce 302 English 3b Sever 11 English 11b New Lect. Hall Fine Arts 1d Abrams-Roper Fogg Large Rm. Rousseau-Woodberry Robinson Annex French 8 Emerson D Geography 1 Geol. Lect. Rm. Geology 8 Geol. Lect. Rm. German 1b Mr. Bennett, Sec. 1 Sever 36 Mr. Henry, Sec. 2 Sever 36 Dr. Heffner, Sec. 2 Sever 30 German 5 Sever 35 German 7 Sever 35 Government 13b Harvard 6 Greek 12 Sever 29 History 5b Memorial Hall History 9 Harvard 5 History 13 New Lect. Hall History 48b Andover C Indic Philology 1b Sever 17 Latin B Dr. Griffin, Sec. 1 Sever 17 Dr. Chase, Sec. 2 Sever 23 Dr. Moseley, Sec. 3 Sever 24 Latin 1 Sever 18 Mathematics AIII Dr. Gergen, Sec. 1 New Lect. Hall Dr. Currier, Sec. 2 New Lect. Hall Mr. Frame, Sec. 3 New Lect. Hall Mathematics 2 II Professor Morse, Sec. 1 Emerson 211 Mr. Price, Sec. 2 Emerson 211 Mathematics 5b Memorial Hall Music 3a Music Bldg. Philosophy 18b Emerson A Physics 26 Pierce 110 Physiology 7 Sever 28 Semitic 2 Emerson A Semitic 13 Emerson A Sociology 3 Emerson A Sociology 17 Emerson F Spanish 5 Emerson F Zoology 9 Sever 30 2 P.M. Music 2 Music Bldg. THURSDAY, JUNE 9 (VIII) Comp. Literature 9. Sever 36 English 4 Sever 5 Fine Arts 14a Van Rensselaer Rm. French 40 Sever 35 German A Mr. Barnason, Sec. 15, 21 New Lect. Hall Mr. Bennett, Sec. 20, 22 New Lect. Hall Mr. Buffington, Sec. 16, 19 New Lect. Hall Mr. Hawkes, Sec. 5, 13 New Lect. Hall Mr. Henry, Sec. 4 New Lect. Hall Dr. Herrick, Sec. 1, 14 New Lect. Hall Mr. Hoiske, Sec. 7 Memorial Hall Dr. Howe, Sec. 2 Memorial Hall Mr. Metcalf, Sec. 12, 18 Memorial Hall Mr. Phelps, Sec. 3, 9 Memorial Hall Mr. Shelley, Sec. 6, 17 Memorial Hall Mr. Stamm, Sec. 8, 11 Memorial Hall Dr. Zipf, Sec. 10 Memorial Hall Government 24 Sever 35 History 53b Emerson 211
Sociology 6 Emerson 2112 P.M. (XVI)Economics 32 Emerson 211Economics 34 Emerson 211Engineering Sciences 3b Robinson AnnexFrench 14 Emerson AFrench 26 Emerson AGovernment 23 Emerson 211Mineralogy 10 Mineralogical Lect. Rm.Philosophy 8b Emerson 211Physiology 4 Emerson 21