9 o'clock
"Problems of Eastern Europe," Professor Langer, New Lecture Hall.
"Last Days of the Ancien Regime," Professor Doolin, Boylston 42.
10 o'clock
"Readings in Pliny, Tacitus, and Suetonius," Professor E. K. Rand, Sever 13.
"England: 1932," Professor Abbott, Emerson 211.
11 o'clock
"The United States and Disarmament," Professor Baxter, Harvard 1.
12 o'clock
"Arthurian Work in English since Tennyson," Professor Maynadior, Sever 5.
"Antonello da Messina and the Influence of Flemish Painting on the Venetian Renaissance," Professor Post, Fogg Large Room.
"The Dramatic Work of James Shirley," Professor J. T. Murray, Harvard 3.
11 o'clock
"Marc Connelly," Professor J. T. Murray, Harvard 3.
"The End of the Renaissance and the Reformation," Professor Merriman, Emerson 211.
12 o'clock
"Intellectual Development during the Nineteenth Century," Professor Whitney, Emerson 211.
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