Facing the strongest opposition it is likely to encounter this season, the University tennis team will play North Carolina at 2.30 o'clock this afternoon on the Divinity Courts under circumstances which make this the feature match of the season. The Southerners will bring a team believed to be even stronger than that which defeated the Crimson netmen 7-2 last year, breaking a record of 43 successive victories.
In the No. 1 single match, Captain D. M. Frame '32 will be pitted against Bryan Grant, seventeenth ranking national player. Grant is one of the best college players in the country and defeated W. L. Breese '31, a year ago. Wilmer Hines, No. 2 on the North Carolina team, is slated to meet J. M. Barnaby '32, who has been advanced to the corresponding position on the Harvard team. The rest of the line up for the visitors is not definite as yet but will probably be as indicated.
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