
Seals Take Two Years To Learn Horn Playing, Two Months For Balancing Ball, Says Trainer Tiebor-Circus Moves Soon

"Seal-training is no more spectacular or rapid than the training of any other wild animal," said John W. Tiebor, who with his brother Roland, has charge of the seals for the Barnum and Bailey, Ringling Brothers circus, now at the Boston Garden, in an interview yesterday afternoon just before his act was scheduled to appear.

"It takes the same continual patience and coaching that all animal training requires, although I believe that seals are more intelligent than most of the dumb beasts. However, when we receive them they appear only too stupid and obstinate. Our seals come from the region around San Francisco, and are in a wild and untamed state when we got them. Two to six months, depending on the seal, are required to teach a seal to balance a ball on its nose and nearly two years to acquire the art of playing on the horns.

"'Jumbo', our star performer, can play the national anthem without cue or guidance from me, in approximately 30 seconds. This feat is the result of years of practice, during which the seal is drilled in the progression of notes, and is the most difficult of all the acts.

"The seals travel in their regular wagons which are loaded on the flat care and moved from stop to stop. This does not disturb the animals at all and they continue their daily swims and usual diet.

"While the seals splashed joyously in their pool nearby, Mr. Tiebor told of the time necessary to dismantle the entire circus. "All of the wagons which fill 40 flat cars can be loaded in one and one half hours. This will have to be done next week when we open under canvas in Brooklyn.


"An immense amount of space is taken up by the huge 'bigtop', which is 750 feet in length when set up. The poles are also large and heavy."
