Eight crews from Harvard and Tech will make another attempt to open the 1932 season here this afternoon when the referee sends the Freshman eights off to a start by the Tech boathouse over the mile and three-quarter course at 5.15 o'clock. The three other races, Jayvee, 150-pound, and University will be run off at 5.45, 6.15, and 6.45 o'clock respectively.
When the two University crews line up at the start tomorrow, the Tech outfit will have had almost an entire week of practice together since the shift made early last week by Coach William Haines. Although no definite announcement was made last night as to the seating of Harvard's first crew, it is expected that R. H. Hallowell '33 will be filling the seat of Captain T. E. Armstrong '32 at number 4, while the latter will be rowing the same position in the Jayvee boat.
All other arrangements for the regatta will remain as planned for Saturday, when the races were postponed for the first time in seven years. All four Harvard crews will row in the lane towards the Cambridge shore, and all the races will be over the mile and three-quarters except the 150-pound, which will be rowed over the Henley distance.
The seatings:
Harvard--Stroke, G. J. Cassedy '33; 7, Robert Saltonstall, Jr. '33; 6, W. B. Bacon '33; 5, Malcolm Bancroft '33; 4, R. H. Hallowell '33; 3, J. M. Erickson '32; 2, Edward Yeomans, Jr. '33; bow, W. H. Holcombe '33; cox, H. H. Bissell '33.
Tech--Stroke, Philip Cook '33; 7, Roland Glenn '33; 6, Allan Mowatt '34; 5, Charles Miller '33; 4, John Regan '33; 3, Charles Lucke '34; 2, Richard Valentine '33; bow, William Pleasants '33; cox, James Dunlap '32.
Harvard--Stroke, A. H. Parker '32; 7, F. J. Swayze '33; 6, J. W. Peirce '33; 5, Gridley Barrows '34; 4, T. E. Armstrong '32; 3, Bradford Simmons '34; C. F. Hovey '32; bow, A. L. Nickerson, Jr. '33; cox, E. S. Litchfield '34.
Tech--Stroke, John Lawrence '32; 7, James Torbit G.; Robert Roulston '34; 5, Sydney Nashner '34; 4, Edward Bromley '34; Rex Murdoch '34; 2, Cyrus Hapgood '33; bow, Paul Wing '34; cox, Frank NacMahon '33.
Harvard--Stroke, J. T. G. Nichols '34; 7, Robert Livermore, Jr. '32; 6, Haywood Fox '33; 5, G. L. Dow, Jr. ocC.; 4, R. R. White '32; 3, H. G. Pearson, Jr. '34; 2, C. G. Mixter, Jr. '34; bow, R. C. Philips '34; cox, F. F. Jones '34.
Tech--Stroke, Wendell Pearce '32; 7, George Priggon '34; 6, Alden Tower '33; 5, T. H. Anderson '32; 4, Louis Frank '34; 3, Frederick Walsh '32; 2, William Kirkpatrick '32; bow, Louis Balboni '33; cox, Lawrence Stein '34.
Harvard--Stroke, R. B. Cutler; 7, P. V. Bray; 6, R. A. Dow; 5, B. F. Vanderveer; 4, G. T. Keyes; 3, Albert Haverstroh; 2, J. C. Storey; bow, S. F. Johnson; cox, T. H. Hunter.
Tech--Stroke, Samuel Seeleman; 7, Kenneth Sherman; 6, James Killian; 5, Donald Wood; 4, Ernest Johnstone; 3, Paul Daley; 2, Willard Bixby; bow, L. E. Packard; cox, E. R. Clark, Jr.
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