Princeton, N. J. May 25--Results received tonight of college prohibition polls other than those held at Harvard and Princeton are as follows: Dartmouth, 1765 in favor of plank in party platform, 51 against, 37 for continuation of present laws, 806 for repeal, 675 for modification, 298 for referendum; Smith, 989 for plank, 189 against, 55 for continuation, 294 for repeal, 366 for modification, and 298 for referendum; Bryn Mawr, 205 for plank, 11 against, 7 for continuation of present situation, 91 for repeal, 60 for modification, and 47 for referendum; Sarah Lawrence, 155 for plank, 25 against, 16 for continuation, 118 for repeal, 44 for modification, and 19 for referendum.
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