

To the Editor of the CRIMSON:

At a meeting of the Liberal Club on Sunday last, it was decided by a vote of 13 to 12 to affiliate with the National Student League. The question arises as to whether such action could be interpreted as being truly liberal. Most of the officers of the Club feel that this action is not to be construed as being an abandonment of the so-called open, free, and nonpartisan discussion policy. But let us not forget that the National Student League is admittedly sympathetic with, and proposes to defend a great majority of the Communists' social and economic principles. Although it is true that as Mr. Hartshorne has said, the Liberal Club is what its members wish to make it, nevertheless can the members of the Club consider themselves liberal if they affiliate with an organization which has such definite preconceived ideas? Can they affiliate with an organization which feels that "democracy under capitalism is a myth"? And can they affiliate with an organization which proposes to combat the short-sighted leadership and the false policies "of those organizations based upon a philosophy of social reform and pacifism"?

Now the Liberal Club has an endowment of a little over $2000, which it holds on the condition that it does not change its name. Affiliation with the National Student League appears to me to make the Liberal Club unworthy of that name, and therefore unworthy of its endowment. V. H. Kramer '35.
