

Sard Elected To Fill Place of Norton, Who Gives Up Office--More Active Policy To Be Followed

Following heated discussion at a recent meeting of the Harvard Liberal Club, it was voted by a scant majority of 13 to 11 to affiliate with the National Student League, an organization with avowed communistic sympathies.

Immediately following the adoption of the measure, J. DeW. Norton '34 secretary of the Liberal Club, tendered his resignation, which was accepted and R. D. Sard '35 was elected to fill the office. Several other members signified their intention of severing their connection with the club.

Majority Seeks Action

The affiliation was brought about by dissatisfaction among some of the members with the club's inactivity and the officials, the majority of whom approved the junction, hope that it will become an active organization, such as was impossible under an indefinite policy. Now, by joining the National Student League, the club adopts the tenets of that organization, which call for an active support of labor movements by going on picket lines, taking part in labor demonstrations, upholding the side of the working class in "the present-day class struggle" and to popularize the achievements of the Soviet Union by working for the defense and recognition of the U.S.S.R. The Liberal Club will organize small groups to study social and economic problems and will continue to have speakers, representing all points of view.

Keep Name of Liberal Club


It has been decided not to change the name of the club, first because a change would bring about the forfeiture of a $3000 endowment fund, and secondly, because the organization is still intended to be liberal and the change in policy represents the opinion of the majority of the members and was made in order to create a more active group.
