

Adams Announces Complete Plans of Committee for Ball--Patronesses and Ushers Selected

Complete plans for the spring Dunster House dance were announced yesterday by Karl Adams, Jr. '33, chairman of the Dance committee.

A special dinner will be served for members of the House and their guests in the dining room between 7.30 and 8 o'clock.

The courtyard of the House will be decorated with Japanese lanterns strung between the wings, and spotlights will be focused on the tower. White flannels and dark coats will constitute correct male attire for the affair, it was indicated.

Although definite arrangements for entertainment during the midnight intermission have not yet been made, an informal program by members of the House is being tentatively planned. The Mesdames C. N. Greenough, Karl Adams, J. B. Ayer, James Conant, N. P. Dodge, R. I. Lee, Kenneth Moller and M. W. Stackpole have been requested to act as patronesses, and the following have been appointed to act as ushers: Karl Adams, Jr. '33, head usher, J. M. Bradley '33, W. I. Clark '33, J. W. Crickard '32, N. P. Dodge '33, J. B. Hawes '32, J. L. Madden ocC., E. A. Mays '32, E. F. Noyes '32, H. B. Powers '33, E. E. Record '32, Samuel Spencer '33, S. H. Stackpole '33, and G. H. Van Ness '33.
