At a meeting of the members of the Glee Club after last evening's Yard concert, 61 men were elected to membership in the Club. Although it was originally intended to choose new officers for the Club at the meeting, the selection was postponed until next Tuesday, so that the newly elected members can share in the voting. The newly elected members of the Glee Club are as follows:
R. F. Bampton '34, Price Berrien '35, W. W. Birge '35, E. D. Boynton '35, J. G. Brooks '35, A. H. Brown '34, K. W. Brown '35, D. A. Bullard '35, E. E. Calvin '35, E. T. Canby '35, E. C. Carter 2G., Zechariah Chafee III '34, A. T. Collier '34, J. S. Colman 1G., R. R. Covell '35, T. L. Damman '35, Nixon deTarnowsky '35, Daniel Draper '34, W. F. Draper '35, George Ehrenfried '35.
C. A. Engvall 2T.S., J. P. Farquhar '35, E. V. Ferguson '35, A. M. Ferry '34, J. A. Frank '34, Comstock Glaser '35, E. Y. Hartshorne '33, H. E. Holm '35, R. S. Hormell '35, F. E. Johnson '35, V. N. Keller '34, A. B. Kelley '33, W. G. Kirby '35, J. M. Krotozyner '34, J. S. Lang '35.
M. V. Leventritt '35, F. C. Lowell ocC., M. F. McKesson '34, F. D. Moore '35, H. J. Moss 1G., E. L. Olsson 1G., J. H. Packard '34, Knight Prophett 1G., J. C. Ransmeier '33, Lawrence Rasmussen 1G., E. H. Rigg '34, R. L. Riley '33, E. J. Rogers '34, H. W. Rubin '35, R. D. Sard '35.
A. L. Schade '34, R. E. Simon '35, E. L. Smith '34, M. B. Storer 2G., Warren Sturgis '35, R. S. Tangeman '32, S. D. Tuttle 2G., A. S. Twombly ocC., N. E. Vuilleumier '35, D. M. Weil '33, J. H. Wright grE.S.
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