As a result of a series of ten-week competitions for the various boards of the Harvard Freshman Red Book, 15 first-year men have been taken into the Editorial Board, six each onto the Art and Photographic departments, and two on the Business Board. The list as announced last night by L. P. Howard '35, Editor-in-Chief, is complete in all branches except the Business department for which there may be one or two additions before the end of this week. The book will appear on Friday, May 27, the day of the Freshman Jubilee, and will contain innovations not yet announced.
The competition for positions on the Editorial Board under the Chairmanship of D. G. Anderson '35 was especially keen, attracting 40 candidates. A sub-Chairman, the high standing man in each contest, will be announced at a meeting of the entire Red Book Board in the near future.
The following have been taken onto the Editorial Board: Price, Berrien, R. J. Bry, Cullisan Cady, H. A. Fierst, J. C. Fuess, N. S. Green, R. S. Hormell, T. E. Lansing, D. D. Scannell, S. T. Skidmore, J. W. Stanley, Warren Sturgis, A. W. Todd, J. B. Wilkinson, J. A. Wolff.
The following have made the Art Board: W. F. Draper, W. M. Lamont, W. H. Lewis, W. E. Lunt, Vincent Palmer, A. K. Philbrick, While Jules Bricken, R. E. Von Briesen, Francis Jacoby, R. S. Russell, Malcolm Seymour, and A. W. Todd were successful in making the Photographic board. R. L. Hoguet and S. E. Turner were taken onto the Business Board.
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