
Crimson Concludes Eighth Annual Confidential Guide To Courses---Study Cards Must Be Handed in by 5 O'Clock

The Crimson today completes publication of its confidential guide. This afternoon is the dead-line for handling in study cards.

English 3a

For the student who contemplates graduate work in English or who plans to take 3b, Mr. Kittredge's course in Boowulf, 3a in indispensable. To complete one's study of Old English with it, however, is analogous to leaving Latin with Caesar. It is an elementary course concerned mainly with the reading of prose varied by the often delightful and always illuminating comments of Mr. Magoun. The grammar, one of the simplest, is covered at almost breakneck speed and the reading begun before the student has mastered more than the demonstrative paradigm and the representative strong verbs. That reading consists largely of selections from the chronicles, loechdoms, and lives of the saints with an occasional smattering of verse. For the man interested in linguistics this course can be very fascinating since it will introduce him to that portion of our language which, though it represents surprisingly little of our contemporary vocabulary, is still its course and center. Little do we realize that in our conversation we are constantly using and repeating this Teutonic element of our speech in our commonest and homeliest words and phrases.

English 79

For those wishing to study English literature without having too much stress placed on its history and chronological development, English 79 provides a good means of escape. Little attention is paid to the lives of the writers, except where they throw considerable light on the work, and dates may be forgotten almost entirely. The first half year is devoted to poetry, the second to prose. The elementary principles of literary criticism are taken up.


Although some of the reading is new, there is much that has already become quite familiar in the upper grades of school work, but if one has not had a thorough grounding in English literature before entering college, and desires to learn to appreciate the great authors of the mother language, English 79 is a highly satisfactory course.

Government 4

Government 4 cannot be too highly praised. It holds great attraction for these interested in gaining a lay knowledge of the world, and is essential to anyone specializing in International Law and Diplomacy. The course includes a study of the development of international law; the laws of peace, war, and neutrality; and the mechanics of international negotiation. Daily assignments are made in a text, which outlines the principles of international law.

It must be understood that Government 4 is not the course for the man who wishes to "inhale" an understanding of international affairs. It requires at best a great deal of work. No student, however, will regret any effort expended on this course. It is a tribute to the course that many of its former students are now holding high positions in Washington, and in Government posts in foreign countries. Indeed so great has been the success of men in getting into the foreign service on the basis of Government 4 preparation, that a Senatorial investigation into the matter has been rumored.

Government 19

Government 19 is a study of the development of the American constitution, based on the case system. There are no lectures, but the course meets three times a week to discuss the half-dozen or so cases which have been read. The course is arranged topically-that is, cases are grouped under such headings as "Due Process of Law" or the commerce clause, and so on. Professor Yeomans, who is in charge, has the ability to conduct discussion toward a definite aim, while yet allowing freedom, and, as the opinions of the Supreme Court justices are often so very well written, and so cogently reasoned, the course is of interest and value to anyone who wishes to learn how to read and think.

But if Gov't 19 is, as has been indicated, an interesting and useful course in some ways, it is limited in others. The student is given no historical context in which he can place the cases which he reads. The course is thus not a study of the problems which confront our country, as social qquestions, but a study of the law of those problems as they have been, as it were, defined by the Constitution. For this reason, those who are primarily interested, not in law, but in politics, social ethics, and in government administration, are bound to dissappointment, while those who desire a knowledge of the law, per se, could ask for little more.

History 28

History 28 covers, with some detail, the history of modern Germany from its earliest beginnings in Brandenburg to the present day and minute. No phase of it is left untouched; Professor Fay amply discusses the military, political, economic, and social aspects of Germany's development, without making a mere chronological chart of names and dates; and his technical knowledge of military warfare enables him to give interesting, whether or not important, analyses of numerous battles and campaigns.

Technically, the course is practically ideal: besides the midyear and final examinations, there are, during the whole year, three hour exams, and a thesis to be written during the Spring. For almost every assignment there is wide choice of reading and accordingly diversified exam papers.
