

The organization of the Harvard branch of the National Students League is another hopeful indication of student alertness to national problems. This group will organize student opinion on matters of educational and national importance, and by taking concerted action it intends to make its opinions on these problems felt.

The Harvard Liberal Club has given as opportunity for eminent men of radical opinions to express themselves. But it has been non-partisan on many issues and has not had practical accomplishments as its immediate goal. The Student League, however, has set before itself definite concrete purposes: among its "demands" are unemployment insurance for college graduates who do not find positions, state scholarships for needy students, and the abolition of faculty interference in extra-curricular activities. Among other things it proposes a defense of the U.S.S.R. and an "exposure of the constant trend in America towards a Fascist reign by capitalist interests." These aims as well as the participation of the National Students League in the Columbia strike and in the expedition to the Kentucky mining district are possibly open to charges of sensationalism. But, if only by reaction, the organization of the League should be a desirable stimulus to intelligent political opinion among undergraduates.
