

N.Y.U. and Columbia Will Act as Hosts On April 23-24--Sorokin To Deliver Lecture on First Day

New York and Columbia Universities are to be the hosts at the third annual meeting of the Eastern Sociological Conference, which will be held in New York City the 23 and 24 of this month. A number of Harvard professors and instructors in this department are planning to attend, and some of them will read papers, as well as direct roundtable discussions.

Professor P. A. Sorokin, head of the Sociology department, who is a member of the Executive Committee of the Eastern Sociological Conference, will speak on the first day. Graduate students and upperclassmen who are interested in sociological questions and contemporary social problems are invited to attend the meetings. The two preceding sessions proved stimulating and productive of valuable results in the field of study of social phenomena.

In contrast to the American Sociological Society, the membership of the Eastern Sociological Conference, which now numbers about 300 prominent sociologists, is restricted to sociologists who have actually made some contribution to social science, or who occupy professional positions in eastern or mid-western universities.
