

Ubi Femina ...

With a chaste and simple dignity, the Interfraternity Council yesterday announced that no freshmen will be permitted in fraternity houses over Green Key week-end. With the deliverance of that dictum, to which, incidentally, the Council gave its unanimous approval, there vanished the freshman's last and lone solution to the odd-moment problem.

Unless the weather man forgets himself, Hanover, come Saturday, will find itself steeped in the traditional millpond atmosphere of late winter. Under such conditions, it is neither invigorating nor enjoyable to tramp through College Park or climb the Tower. The wonder of Baker, Sanborn and Carpenter lose their appeal after the first hour or so and the question arises of where to go and what to do. For the fraternity man the solution is simple--there is always the house and the radio. But for the house and the radio. But for the freshman who has contributed his check and his girl to the success of the Key's enterprise, who is faced with a dormitory door closed to the slightest suggestion of feminity, it is a true enigma.

We violently dislike to up-cudgel over old issues, but the occasion makes move vivid our recognition of the utter absurdity of dormitory regulations. Here is an affair intended primarily as an outlet for the social pursuits of freshmen and non-Hellenics, and yet an aged and Puritanical doctrine prevents them from enjoying it to the fullest extent.

That Dartmouth men should be treated as the gentlemen which they essentially are and be permitted to entertain guests in their rooms, at least during the afternoon hours, remains our honest conviction. --The Dartmouth.
