


While Yale was swamping the hitherto unbeaten Navy mermen at New Haven to clinch its eighth consecutive championship of the Intercollegiate League, the University swimming team fought its way to a 43-28 victory over Pennsylvania on Saturday. Harvard, in its second year of intercollegiate swimming, will thus face Yale on Wednesday, March 9, in the Carnegie pool with a clean record of eight wins.

Two Harvard record were shattered Saturday, first when E. E. Stowell '34 cut down his own time in the back stroke to 1 minute, 44 4-5 seconds, and then when a relay team composed of R. D. Fallon '33, E. P. Parker '34, T. H. Jameson '33 and B. S. Wood '33, hung up a pool record of 3 minutes, 42 seconds.

In addition to the relay, Wood swam the 220 and the 440, maintaining a narrow lead over Strong of Penn in the latter event to win by a two-foot margin in 5 minutes, 16 seconds. Wood won the intercollegiate 440-yard championship last spring with a time of 5 min., 4 sec. and if he swims in this event against Yale is likely to take first place. Yale made a clean sweep of the first a year ago.

The summary:

220-yard free style-won by B. S. Wood '33; second, Strong (P); third weeks (P) Time-2 min., 22 1-5 sec.


50-yard free style-won by Stinson (P); second, R. D. Fallon '33; third, E. P. Parker '34. Time-25 sec.

Drive-won by Grandy (P), 81; second, Sidney Bluhm '32, 64.2; third, Eynon (P), 61.9.

440-yard free style-won by B. S. Wood '33; second, Strong (P); third, J. L. Ward '34 Time-5 min., 16 sec.

150-yard back stroke-won by E. E. Stowell '34; second, E. G. Helvension '33; third, Hauff (P). Time-1 min., 44 4-5 sec. (New Harvard record)

200-yard breast stoke-won by weeks (P); second, Milter (P); third, G. C. Larcom '33 Time-2 min., 43 sec.

100-yard free style-won by George Wightman '34; second, N. M. Howe '34; third, Smith (P); Time-57 sec.

400-yard relay-when by Harvard (R. D. Fallon '33, E. P. Parker '34, T. R. Jameson '33, B. S. Wood '33); second, Pennsylvania (Grandy, weeks, Strong, Stinson). Time-3 min., 42 sec (New Harvard and pool record).
