
Mother Yale Hustles Along


Well, many distinguished graduates have recorded their dissatisfaction with the education offered them by Yale: C. A. Bristed, Andrew D. White, W. W. Phelps, Poultney Bigelow, Owen Johnson. But still the old mother hustles along, dragging her rebellious children at her skirts. They kick her shins and bawl and pound her with their fists, but still she hustles along. See her broad back, her mighty arms and legs, and ample breasts that suckled those ungrateful brats. Her dress is torn, her hair is mussed, and sweat stands on her cheeks, "wrinkled deep in time". But there is a red in her lips, a sparkle in her eyes, and her breath is as sweet as the breath of an old mooly cow. She holds her latest baby under the crook of her arm, and hustles along.--Quoted by Dean Mendell in an address printed in the Yale Alumni Weekly.
