

Kuehn, High Jumper, Suffers Injury To Ankle--Dean Dropped To Make Way For Bennett

Twenty-five men were named by Coach Farrell yesterday to represent Harvard in the I.C.4A track and field meet on Saturday. The problem of deciding who is to make the trip was difficult since the H. A. A. is limiting the number of representatives and no possible point-scoring prospect for the Crimson could be overlooked.

The squad will be without the services of a high jumper as Kuehn is nursing an injured ankle and the other Harvard jumpers cannot measure up to I.C.4A competition. At the last moment Dean, who was entered in the shot put, was stricken from the list to make way for Bennett in the pole vault. Pescosolido had only a slight edge over his running mate, Porter, in the dash selections.

In Wednesday's time trials Record led G. B. Clark 1G.B., former Cornell hurdler who placed second to the Crimson champion in the intercollegiates last year, to the tape by a few inches in the 70-yard hurdle race. He was clocked at 8 4-5 seconds, a record which indicates that he is at his best and should lead the field on Saturday. Dodge, who created a new H--D--C record in the 300-yard dash last week, will have an opportunity to display his ability in the shorter 70-yard distance and is to run number one on the Crimson relay team.

Saturday's mile race promises to be one of the best of the year with Hallowell in fast competition.

The Harvard entries follow:


70-yd. High Hurdles: E. B. Cole '32, J. C. Grady '33, E. E. Record '32.

70-yd. Dash: J. W. Crickard '32, N. P. Dodge '33, A. C. Forbes '32, J. J. Hayes '34, C. A. Pescosolido '34.

Shot Put: G. W. Kuchn '32, J. J. Healy '34.

35-Pound Weight: M. J. Finlayson '32, A. Kidder '33.

Pole Vault: G. F. Bennett '33, O. Sutermeister '32.

Mile Run: N. P. Hallowell '32, B. E. Estes '32.

Two Mile Run: F. D. Murphy '33, A. Foote '33.

One Mile Relay: N. P. Dodge '33, H. F. Kellmyer '33, J. M. Morse '34, J. H. Pearson '32.

Two Mile Relay: G. N. Barrie '32, J. W. Fobes '32, R. Murphy '32, J. B. White '34
