

Has Crossed Great Southern Desert Of Arabia--Largest Unexplored Part Next to Antarctic Continent

"Crossing the Rub' Al Khali, or 'Empty Quarter,' of Arabia" will be the subject of a lecture by Bertram Thomas O. B. E. (Mil) at a meeting of the Harvard Travelers' Club in the Geography Building at 8 o'clock tomorrow night. Mr. Thomas is the author of a recent book on the same subject, and of an older work, "Arabia Felix."

In the winter of 1930-31 Thomas crossed the great southern desert of Arabia, which had hitherto constituted the largest expanse of wholly unexplored land outside the Antarctic continent. He will illustrate his talk, which is open to all members of the University with motion pictures. This lecture is made possible through the kindness of Charles R. Crane.

For the last 15 years Thomas has been in and around Arabia. In addition to war and political service in Mesopotamia and Palestine, he was for some years prime minister and finance minister to the Sultan of Muscat-Oman. By continuous application to the people language, and customs of Arabia, he has contributed much in the last few years to geographical and other sciences.
