That Yale men, supposedly equipped with as fine an education as can be acquired in the United States, should either unconsciously or purposely be unable to read correctly the English language is one of the most discouraging facts evidenced about the Campus for some time. A most obvious example of misinterpretation or simple misreading of English is provided by the discussion, spoken and written, which arose over the News editorials relating to football and athletics in general. The News is anxious to support its statements in this regard with cash, as will appear farther on in the editorial. In a year of depression, that is, to be sure, no common anxiety.
To oppose the fundamental delusions for which the News policy is critized, those fundamental delusions will now be stated. To anyone who can find any passage in the three editorials on football, appearing respectively on March 8, 17, and 18, which expresses these fundamental delusions as stated below, will be paid five dollars immediately and with our compliments, (judgment to be reasonable and not to be extended to over 30 men in case the News has made some oversight).
The delusions which the News does not support are:
1. That the propagation of culture is not the main objective of the University.
2. That it is only necessary to be an athlete to be successful in life.
3. That a man must be an athlete to be successful.
4. That scholarship is not necessary to the development of great leaders.
5. That an even balance between scholar and athlete is not the most desirable Yale man. Yale News.
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