

For the benefit of students travelling in Europe this coming summer, the International Student Service has announced a schedule of conferences to be held in various European countries. At these conferences, Americans will be given an opportunity to meet students of other nations and to discuss with them the differences in their University and national problems. All men travelling in the vicinity may attend; and the scope of the program, which embraces nations from every corner of Europe, should insure a full and varied attendance.

It has become the distinguishing habit of American tourists to gain their acquaintance with foreign countries from hasty glimpses of musty antiquities, illuminated by the omiscient Baedecker. Physical glories form a major attraction of European civilization, but with a leavening of the human element they produce only an incomplete and necessarily distorted conception in 'tourists' minds. Recognizing the need of bringing the traveller into contact with this other, more important aspect of European life the International Service has instituted its conferences. As an easy and effective way to bring together students of different lands, it not only promotes an illuminating fellowship between foreigners, but gives the traveller a chance to secure a better rounded, more just appreciation of other nationalities.
