

Plans To Discuss Inadequate Program For Unemployment Relief-Present Social Workers' View

Dr. Ben M. Selekman, author of "British Industry Today", will be the next speaker for the Liberal Club, at a meeting in the Lowell House Common Room on Tuesday, March 29, at 7.30 o'clock. The subject of the talk, which will be open to all members of the University, is "America's Inadequate Program for Dealing with Unemployment Emergencies."

The social worker's outlook on the problem will be presented by Dr. Selekman, who is executive director of the Associate Philanthropies of Boston. He will outline the background of the Lafolette-Costigan Bill, which was introduced to appropriate $375,000,000 for unemployment relief, and will compare it with the Wagner Bill now before Congress.

These bills will be cited in a general discussion of the inadequacy of the American program, which will include a criticism of private charities, social morale, and the disorganizing effect of unemployment on family life. Dr. Selekman has investigated the British system of relieving unemployment at first hand, and is well acquainted with the German plan.

This will be the first of three spring talks being sponsored by the Liberal Club on the general subject: "What the Depression Reveals about Long-Range changes in Government Policy and the Organization and Control of Business." The other two speeches will probably be presented from the points of view of a retail merchant and an engineer.
