

Hathaway Picked For Medical Post and Guy for Lectureship-Five Faculty Members on Leave

Charles Schmidt, of Paris, inspector general of the French National Archives, has been appointed exchange professor from France to lecture here during the first half of the academic year 1932-33. As exchange professor from Harvard, Paul Joseph Sachs '00, professor of Fine Arts and associate director of the Fogg Museum, will go to France for the second half year. Two other appointments and five leaves of absence were also announced as the result of a meeting of the President and Fellows of Harvard College on Monday March 14.

Henri Guy, exchange professor here in 1929-30, will return from France in the second half of next year, as lecturer on French and tutor in the division of Modern Languages. He is now rector of the University of Grenoble.

Specializes on Napoleon

Schmidt, a former president of the Societe d'Histoire Moderne, and a chevalier of the Legion of Honor, specializes in the Napoleonic period, particularly in regard to Franco-German relations. He will probably give a graduate course on historical archives.

John Seabury Hathaway '24, has been appointed Assistant Medical Adviser of the University for the next academic year. He received his A.B. from Harvard in 1924 and his M.D. in 1928, served in the Bellevue Hospital in New York from 1929 until 1931. He is at present a Teaching Fellow at the Harvard Medical School.


Leaves of Absence

W. S. Ferguson, McLean professor of Ancient and Modern History, will be on sabbatical leave during the second half of 1932-33. E. F. Gay, professor of Economic History, will likewise be absent for the second half of 1932-33 and the first half of 1933-34.

Leave of absence has been granted to W. L. Langer, associate professor of History, and to Rupert Emerson '21, associate professor of Government, for the academic year 1932-33, in order that each may carry on research work under a grant from the Bureau of International Research. Kuang-Ti Mei, assistant professor of Chinese, will be absent for the academic year 1932-33.
