
The Student Vagabond


9 o'clock

"The Government of Japan", Professor Holcombe, New Lecture Hall.

10 o'clock

"The Revolution of 1905", Mr. Vernadsky, Boylston 21.


"Harte and Jewett", Professor Matthiessen, Harvard 6.

"Victor Hugo", Professor Morize, Emerson 211.

11 o'clock

"Harley Granville Barker", Professor Murray, Harvard 3.

"German Romantic Practice and Poetry", Professor Burkhard, Germanic Lecture Room.

"Stephen Phillip's Dramatic Work", Professor Murray, Harvard 3.

"Italian Painting and the High Renaissance", Professor Edgell, Emerson 211.

12 o'clock

"English Evangelical Movements of the 18th Century", Professor Whitney, Emerson 211.


9 o'clock

"Fors Clavigera", Professor Rollins, Emerson H.

"Napoleon", Professor Langer, New Lecture Hall.

"Horace, Satires", Professor Peterkin, Sever 14.

"Richelieu", Mr. Doolin, Boylston 52.

12 o'clock

"Shakspere's Middle Comedies", Professor Murray, Harvard 3.

3 o'clock

"Rousseau's Influence on the Novel: La Nouvelle Heloise", Professor Babbitt, Sever 11.

"Periclean Institutions", Professor Ferguson, Emerson H.
