
The Student Vagabond


10 o'clock

"Gray", Mr. Aubin, Sever 11.

11 o'clock

"John Galsworthy's Dramatic Works", Professor J. T. Murray, Harvard 3.


"Renaissance Architecture", Professor Edgell, Emerson 211.

4.30 o'clock

"Stendhal", Professor Martino, Emerson D.

8 o'clock

"The Read to Weimar", Professor Perry, Sanders Theatre.


9 o'clock

"John Ruskin", Professor Rollins, Emerson H.

"Horace's Satires", Professor Peterkin, Sever 14.

"Napoleon", Professor Langer, New Lecture Hall.

10 o'clock

"Hume: Skepticism", Professor Eaton, Emerson D.

"Huge van der Goes", Dr. Kuhn, Germanic Museum.

11 o'clock

"Columella and Petronius", Professor Rand, Sever 13.

"Renaissance Architecture", Professor Edgell, Fogg Large Room.

12 o'clock

"Hyperion", Professor Lowes, Emerson D.

"Liszt", Professor Hill, Music Building.
