
The Student Vagabond


9 o'clock

"Froude," Professor Rollins, Emerson K.

10 o'clock

"Carmina Amatoria," Professor Rand, Sever 13.


"C. M. Sedgwick, J. P. Kennedy, Robert M. Bird, Nathaniel B. Tucker," Professor Murdock, Sever 11.

"Triumph of Absolutism, 1848-49," Professor Fay, Harvard 1.

11 o'clock

"French Gothic Architecture," Professor Edgell, Fogg Lecture Room.

"Efficiency in Production and Efficiency in Bargaining," Professor Carver, Emerson 27.

"The Fur Seals Controversy," Professor Baxter, Harvard 1.

"The North in War Time," Mr. Buck, New Lecture Hall.

"Comus," Professor Rollins, Emerson R.

12 o'clock

"Leonardo da Vinci," Professor Post, Fogg Large Room.

"Mendelssohn," Professor Hill, Music Building.

"Heating by Electricity," Professor Black, Jefferson Physics Laboratory 250.

"Early Banking Systems," Professor Usher, Widener U.

"The Story of Merlin," Professor Pornadier, Sever 5.

2 o'clock

"Book of Lindisfarm," Professor Porter, Fogg Small Room.


9 o'clock

"Buresaucracy and Representative Government," Professor Holcombe. New Lecture Hall.

10 o'clock

"Alexander II: Domestic Policies," Professor Vernadsky, Boylston 21.

"L'Encyclopedie de Diderot," Professor Morize, Emerson 211.

2 o'clock

"The Art of the Modern Theater; from Henry Irving to Walter Hampden," Illustrated lecture, Professor Hersey, Emerson 211.
