
News from the Houses

Two Rivals Will Contend Next Week For Year's Championship

The Lowell squash men in league A provided the upset of the season in defeating the Dunster players yesterday 5 to 0, thus wining league A for this half year. Eliot also scored a blank on their foe, defeating Kirkland; while Leverett conquered Winthrop 4 to 1.

Next week Lowell and Dunster will play in the finals in leagues A and B, since each has won one half year's matches in each league. Lowell won league C for both half years, as well as league B in the first and league A in the second, while Dunster won league A in the first half year and league B in the second.

The summary of yesterday's matches:

Leverett defeated Winthrop 4 to 1: C. P. Webber '33 (Lev) defeated R. G. Gould, Tutor (W) 3 to 2; R. C. Vose '34 (Lev) defeated E. A. Hitchcock 1L (W) 3 to 2; G. P. Webber '33 (Lev) defeated Milton Singer '33 (W) 3 to 0; Dr. Rupert Emerson (W) defeated J. F. Preston '32 (lev) 3 to 1; H. A. Stone '33 (Lev) defeated W. F. Wolff '33 (W) 3 to 1.

Eliot defeated Kirkland 5 to 0: S. E. Davenport III '34 (E) defeated A. E. Evans '33 (K) 3 to 2; Archibald Cox, Jr. '34 (E) defeated J. W. Kirkland '33 (K) 3 to 0! John Dane '32 (E) defeated W. G. Nelson 1L (K) 3 to 1: Marshal Fabyan, Jr. '34 (K) 3 to 0; R. S. Frame '32 (E) defeated P. T. Ellsworth, Tutor 3 to 0.


Lowell defeated Dunster 5 to 0; L. A. Breck '32 (L) defeated A. F. Dana '33 (D) by default, J. R. Fetcher '32 (L) defeated Harold Williamson, Tutor, (D) 3 to 2; Edward Orlandini '32 (L) defeated H. C. Dickinson '32 (D) 3 to 2; H. A. Blackmun 3L (L) defeated R. F. Evans '33 (D) 3 to 1; Owen Appleton '32 (L) defeated Richard Borden '33 (D) 3 to 2.
