

"Faust Symphony" To Be Rendered March 18, 10--Sing Bach B-Minor Mass With Radcliffe Society

Sixty members of the Harvard Glee Club will journey to Plymouth tomorrow evening to sing in a joint concert with the Plymouth Men's Glee Club. The performance will be held in the Plymouth Memorial Building at 8.15 o'clock. This will be the last public concert of the Glee Club before a series of performances of unusual character.

The program for the Plymouth concert tomorrow will include the following numbers! "Hallelujah Chorus," by Beethoven (to be sung by the combined choruses); "I Will not Leave You Comfortless," by Byrd; "Gently Johnny," English Folk song; "Choruses from the 'Mikado,", Sullivan; "Fire, Fire, My Heart," by Thomas Morley; and "To Thee Alone Be Praise," by Bach.

On Monday, March 7, the University singers will sing for the Temple Israel Lyceum in illustration of a lecture on "Choral Music in America" to be given by Dr. A. T. Davison '06, director. The Glee Club will collaborate with the Boston Symphony Orchestra in the regular Symphony concerts on Friday and Saturday, March 18 and 19, when it will sing the "Faust Symphony," by Liszt. The next appearance of the Glee Club with the Boston Orchestra will be on Sunday, March 27, when the two organizations will combine with the Radcliffe Choral Society to perform again the "Mass in B-Minor," by Bach. The scores employed by the singers during the rehearsals and performances of the "Mass" were given to the Harvard College Library in the interests of the Harvard Glee Club and the Radcliffe Choral Society by friends of the late Byron Satterlee Hurlburt '87. This was the first of a series of gifts which is intended to commemorate Professor Hurlburt and at the same time further the work of the Harvard and Radcliffe singers. The soloists for this performance are Amy Evans, Margaret Matzenauer, Richard Crooks, and Fraser Gange.

The Glee Club will participate in the Harvard celebration of the Goethe anniversary by singing the "Rhapsodie" by Brahms, in Sanders Theatre on March 22. Nancy Loring will be the soloist on this occasion.

Following its trip to New York and Vicinity during the spring recess the Club will join with the Radcliffe Choral So-


ciety in a special concert in honor of Gustav Hoist, noted composer who is visiting Harvard and Radcliffe this half-year. It is expected that the visitor will conduct some of his works during the performance, in which instrumentalists from the Boston Symphony Orchestra will assist. This concert probably will be held in Sanders Theatre on April 14
