


Mentally groomed by Coach Farrell's psychology of optimism and determination, every prospective Harvard point winner will enter the brilliant I. C. 4A track competition at the 258th Field Artillery in New York next Saturday in the best of the shape physically and mentally, and with the firm conviction that chances for a Crimson victory are just as bright as those of Cornell, N. Y. U., or Pennsylvania.

Captain Record, who will defend his crown in the 70-yard hurdle race, will have stiff competition from a brilliant field including MacDonald of Holy Cross, Laughlin of Bowdoin, and Healey of N. Y. U. The great Crimson timber-topper, however, is almost unbeatable at his best and is concentrating on his specialty alone, thereby remaining the favorite.

In the mile, Harvard is pinning her faith on Hallowell, outdoor champion, who will face such sterling opposition as Coan of Pennsylvania, defending indoor champion, Nordell and Maloney of N. Y. U., Crowley of Manhattan, and Mangan of Cornell, who heat out the Crimson runner at the H-D-C meet last Saturday. McCluskey of Manhattan is favored to defend his title successfully in the two mile and is ambitious to lower his record to a figure around 9 minutes 10 seconds. He is the only two-miler, however, to whom Murphy is willing to concede any superiority. The Crimson distance runner discovered his real abilities only last Saturday and incidently gained confidence, which is all he needs to take a second in I. C. 4A competition.

Sutermeister has an evening's work cut out in the pole vault with the high class Yale contingent of Lee, Pierce,

Williamson, and Thompson opposing him. The winner will probably have to clear 14 feet to top such a field. Finlayson and Kidder are a pair of weight men who need only to repeat the performances which they turn in every day in practice plus a little extra determination to place first and second. Healey is talking mysteriously about a new discovery of his which will add three feet to his shot puts
