
Chinese Man In The Street Gives Version of Simo--Japanese Conflict--Wing Kee, Laundry Expert Visions Bombing Raid

"We'll go over there to Tokio and flatten them all out just like that", said Wing Kee, expert Cantabridgian laundryman in an interview yesterday, punctuating his remarks by tearing buttons off a shirt he was operating upon; one button for a comma, two for a period.

When asked what he thought about the armistice between China and Japan, he replied, "Saturday." When the interviewer attempted to explain that he was talking about world events and not the time of his shirts' reappearance the celestial said, "Thursday, then." The conversation seemed to have reached an impasse, but Wing followed up with a brisk right to the chin, "They got big guns, hey? Twelve inches! Some big guns! We only got little guns, so." The washer of the linen demonstrated the size of the Chinese guns with his hands, leaving the iron to rest on a shirt, but his gesticulation were cut short by a thin wisp of smoke arising from the offended garment. Wing seemed in the best of spirits after this demonstration of his ironing ability, and went on to observe, "We're going to build airplanes, a thousand airplanes, ten thousand airplanes, and we'll go over their big cities and rain bombs all over them. We'll stir all their cities up like so much curry and rice." Mr. Wing seized a fresh iron and demonstrated with it how, as commander of ten thousand Chinese airplanes, he would sweep down upon Tokio, and swiftly reduce it to ruins.

Here General Wing's subordinate, engaged in the less important task of ironing a pair of pajamas, interposed a remark pregnant with all the cynicism of modern youth. "Oh, yeah", quoth the subordinate. His sickly smile quickly disappeared when Wing's glinting eye admonished him. "If

China and America get together we can take Japan and wipe her up", Wing concluded; then laconically, "That is all"
