
In the Graduate Schools

Varied Catalogues of Aliments Form the Subjects of Series

In the last free lecture of a series being given on Sunday afternoons by the Faculty of the Medical School in Boston, Dr. M. N. Smith-Peterson, assistant professor of Orthopedic Surgery, will speak tomorrow on Back Ache, Lumbago, and Sacroiliac Troubles". This subject will be presented at the Medical School, located on Longwood Avenue in Boston, at 4 o'clock. It will be open to the public, as well as to all members of the University, and the doors will close at five minutes past the hour. No tickets will be required.

Tomorrow's talk will be the last of a series of 12 lectures which have been given every Sunday since the first week in January. The following subjects among others, have been discussed: "Modern Conceptions of the Brain at Work", "Cancer", "What the X-Ray can and Cannot Do", "The White House Conference and Oral Hygiene", "Asthma, Hay Fever, and Allied Conditions", and "Rheumatic Heart Disease in Children and Adults".
